Blender 2.67 (32-bit)

Blender Main Features:
Game engine
The game engine is fully integrated with the shading and rigging system, it features a very powerful visual logic programing system, python scripting capabilities, bullet physics and state of the art graphics.
Render baking
Blender's render pipeline supports rendering to UV texturemaps; ambient occlusion, normals, displacement, color, shadows and full render can be baked.
Map UV and ID Mask
Mesh objects with UV co-ordinates can be saved in a render pass, and used in the Compositor as input to remap textures. ID Mask node converts a number from an Object Index pass to an anti-aliased alpha mask.
Vertex Color Node
For node materials, the Geometry node contains a Vertex Color name field to access non active vertex color layers.
Sculpt Mode
Sculpt is a mode for editing Mesh objects. Unlike Edit Mode, the model's shape is manipulated with various brushes, rather than by editing individual vertices, edges, and faces.
Advanced Imaging system featuring MultiLayer image read/write integrated in all editors and Flipbook playback for compositing, sequences or movie files.
3D object
Supports numerous 3D object formats including meatballs, vector fonts, polygon meshes, and more
Title: Blender 2.67
Filename: blender-2.67-windows32.exe
File size: 39.04MB
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Languages: en-US
License: Open Source
Date added: May 8, 2013
Author: Blender Foundation
Change Log:
# Freestyle
* Freestyle is a new non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering engine integrated
# Paint System
* The stroke system and brush texture access has been unified and as a result there are many more tools now shared across paint modes.
# Motion Tracker
* Camera and object motion solver motion are much more accurate and faster because the Ceres library is used now for the bundle adjustment step. In addition the tripod solver is finally fixed and has become usable for longer footage.
# Compositing
* Added border for compositor viewer node, which restricts what is to be composited for faster previews. Also border rendering and cropping are finally working as expected.
# 3D Printing
* An addon to help with 3d printing is now bundled as well as a new ruler tool and mesh-analysis display attributes such as thickness, sharp-areas and distortion.
# Node Editor
* Node Groups editing is less cluttered and more consistent with other nodes. Multiple node editor windows can be used independently.
# Cycles Render
* A Subsurface Scattering shader is now available, to create materials such as Wax, Marble or Skin.
# Python Nodes
* The API now supports custom node types. Nodes can be defined and registered in python scripts like other UI classes.
# Tools
* New mesh modeling tools: Individual Face Inset, Poke Face and Knife Project. Faster image display in the image and movie clip editors. Better support for UTF-8 text in the text and console editors, and various improvements to other editors.
# Addons
* New addons are the node efficiency tools and VRML2 export.
# Bug fixes
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