Thunderbird 17.0.4

What's New in Thunderbird:
Easier to Get Started
Under the Help Menu, you can find the Migration Assistant to help you set up Thunderbird the way you want it. Prior to this feature you had to know your IMAP, SMTP, and SSL/TLS settings. One-click Address Book is a quick and easy way to add people to your address book. The attachment reminder looks for the word attachment and the Activity Manager records all the interactions between Thunderbird and your email provider in one place.
Tabs and Search
If you like Firefox's tabbed browsing, you're going to love tabbed email. The search interface in Thunderbird contains filtering and timeline tools to pinpoint the exact email you're looking for. If you think you're going to need an email in the future but want it out of your inbox without deleting it, archive it!
Customize Your Email Experience
With Personas, lightweight "skins" allow you to change the look and feel of Thunderbird in an instant. Find and install add-ons directly in Thunderbird. You no longer need to visit the add-ons Web site - instead simply fire up the Add-ons Manager. Smart Folders help you manage multiple email accounts by combining special folders like your Inbox, Sent, or Archive folder.
Secure and Protect Your Email
Thunderbird's popular junk mail tools have been updated to stay ahead of spam. Mail client offers support for user privacy and remote image protection. Thunderbird protects you from email scams which try to trick users into handing over personal and confidential information by indicating when a message is a potential phishing attempt.
Title: Thunderbird 17.0.4
Filename: Thunderbird Setup 17.0.4.exe
File size: 18.89MB (19,805,400 bytes)
Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages: en-US
License: Open Source
Date added: March 12, 2013
Author: Mozilla Organization
Change Log:
- Security fixes.
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