AVG Free Edition 2012.0.1808 (32-bit)

AVG Anti-Virus Free has these following features:
Award-winning antivirus and antispyware
Real-time safe internet surfing and searching
Quality proven by 80 million of users
Easy to download, install and use
Protection against viruses and spyware
Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is only available for single computer use for home and non commercial use.
This is the 32-bit version.
Title: AVG Free Edition 2012.0.1808 (32-bit)
Filename: avg_free_x86_all_2012_1808a4492.exe
File size: 152.18MB (159,572,896 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Date added: September 16, 2011
Author: AVG Technologies
Homepage: free.grisoft.com/doc/avg-anti-virus-free/
Change Log:
* Identity Protection: Fixed issue with possible occassional crash of another application.
* LinkScanner: LinkScanner now supports also Firefox 7.
* Online Shield: Fixed issues with loading of web pages added in Online Shield's list of excluded URLs.
* Setup: When it impossible to procced with AVG setup due to previous driver unistallation, a dialog offering restart appears.
* Toolbar: Implemented support for Firefox 7.
* User Interface: Fixed issue with user interface crash.
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