
MySQL 5.5.15

MySQL 5.5.15MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.

MySQL delivers enterprise features, including:

Partitioning to improve performance and management of very large database environments
Row-based/Hybrid Replication for improved replication security
Event Scheduler to create and schedule jobs that perform various database tasks
XPath Support
Dynamic General/Slow Query Log
Performance/Load Testing Utility (mysqlslap)
Improved! Full Text Search (faster, new dev templates)
Improved! Archive engine (better compression, more features)
Improved! User session and problem SQL identification
Improved! MySQL embedded library (libmysqld)
Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects
Faster data import operations (parallel file load)
ACID Transactions to build reliable and secure business critical applications
Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity
Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level
Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised
Information Schema to provide easy access to metadata
Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture for maximum flexibility
Archive Storage Engine for historical and audit data

Title: MySQL 5.5.15
Filename: mysql-5.5.15-win32.msi
File size: 27.76MB (29,107,931 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7
Languages: en-US
License: Open Source
Date added: July 28, 2011
Author: MySQL AB

Change Log:

# Bugs Fixed :
* InnoDB Storage Engine: A failed CREATE INDEX operation for an InnoDB table could result in some memory being allocated and not freed. This memory leak could affect tables created with the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC and ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED settings.
* Partitioning: Auto-increment columns of partitioned tables were checked even when they were not being written to. In debug builds, this could lead to a crash of the server.
* Partitioning: The UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function was not treated as a monotonic function for purposes of partition pruning.
* Replication: If a LOAD DATA INFILE statement—replicated using statement-based replication—featured a SET clause, the name-value pairs were regenerated using a method (Item::print()) intended primarily for generating output for statements such as EXPLAIN EXTENDED, and which cannot be relied on to return valid SQL. This could in certain cases lead to a crash on the slave. To fix this problem, we now name each value in its original, user-supplied form, and use that to create LOAD DATA INFILE statements for statement-based replication.
* Previously, an inappropriate error message was produced if a multiple-table update for an InnoDB table with a clustered primary key would update a table through multiple aliases, and perform an update that may physically move the row in at least one of these aliases. Now the error message is: Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as 'tbl_name1' and 'tbl_name2'
* ALTER TABLE {MODIFY|CHANGE} ... FIRST did nothing except rename columns if the old and new versions of the table had exactly the same structure with respect to column data types. As a result, the mapping of column name to column data was incorrect. The same thing happened for ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN, ADD COLUMN statements intended to produce a new version of table with exactly the same structure as the old version.
* Incorrect handling of metadata locking for FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK for statements requiring prelocking caused two problems:
- Execution of any data-changing statement that required prelocking (that is, involved a stored function or trigger) as part of transaction slowed down somewhat all subsequent statements in the transaction. Performance in a transaction that periodically involved such statements gradually degraded over time.
- Execution of any data-changing statement that required prelocking as part of transaction prevented a concurrent FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK from proceeding until the end of transaction rather than at the end of the particular statement.
* The fractional part of the “Queries per second” value in MySQL status output could be displayed incorrectly.
* LOAD DATA INFILE incorrectly parsed relative data file path names that ascended more than three levels in the file system and as a consequence was unable to find the file.
* For MyISAM tables, attempts to insert incorrect data into an indexed GEOMETRY column could result in table corruption.
* In debug builds, Field_new_decimal::store_value() was subject to buffer overflows.
* A race condition between loading a stored routine using the name qualified by the database name and dropping that database resulted in a spurious error message: The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data


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