Flash Player

Installed on over 750 million Internet-connected desktops and mobile devices, Flash Player enables organizations and individuals to build and deliver great digital experiences to their end users.
* Immersive experiences with Flash video, content and applications with full-screen mode.
* Low-bandwidth, high-quality video with advanced compression technology.
* High-fidelity text using the advanced text rendering engine.
* Real-time dynamic effects with filters for Blur, DropShadow, Glow, Bevel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bevel, Displacement Map, Convolution, and Color Matrix.
* Innovative media compositions with 8-bit video alpha channels.
* Blend modes, radial gradient, and stroke enhancements.
* Additional image formats: GIF, Progressive JPEG, and PNG.
This download is the standalone ActiveX installer for Internet Explorer.
Old versions of the Flash player can be downloaded from Adobe at http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14266
Title: Flash Player (IE)
Filename: install_flash_player_ax.exe , install_flash_player.exe
File size: 2.74MB (2,871,968 bytes)
Requirements: Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages: en-US
License: Freeware
Date added: February 9, 2011
Author: Adobe Systems Inc
Homepage: www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/
FOR non IE:
Change Log:
# New features and Enhancements:
* Stage Video hardware acceleration
* Support for full screen mode with multiple monitors
* Internet Explorer 9 hardware accelerated rendering support
* Native custom mouse cursors
* Sub-pixel text rendering
# Fixes
* Passing dates from Java to Flex causes a 1 hour time difference.
* Unable to load external unicode file names in consistent manner across browsers IE vs. Plugin.
* Artifacts with tiled bitmaps when resize the browser to make the scale factor less than 1
* beginBitmapFill drawing issue: Unexpected white line is shown
* For both the getServiceLocations request and the GetSettings request, the namespaces are being stripped out of the request (sibling elements) when creating request object with FlashPlayer 10.2
* It causes blank video content to disable Hardware acceleration.
* Google Street View exits Full Screen mode without user requesting
* Video RENDER_STATE can't returns to "accelerated" on StageVideo when it switch on/off stage video
* Sound echos twice in some games with Flash 10.2 at www.king.com/games
* Windows Only. Flash video applets exit fullscreen when another applications status changes (WLMail checks for emails for example)
* Mac Only. Cloud Connect Viewer Enterprise Edition displays blank content after moving thumb
* Embedded Object could not show up on page www.youtube.com
* Mac Only. Flash Player does not respond to NPCocoaEventKeyDown
* SWF file cannot be loaded in all players at alwaysbusy.nl, which was created by Invender Catalog Maker
* iSight webcam inbuilt on Mac OSX no longer delivers camera feed when Google Talk is installed (Injection)
* SWF file published by Captivate 5 cannot get played properly, and the window turns black and nothing happens
* Vectors of non-built in classes prevent SWFs from unloading causing memory leaks.
* Keyboard events are not locked into the player causing the browser to scroll the window only when GPU rendering is enable in the browser
* Speed test page from vonage fails to render at http://speedtest.vonage.com
* Debug Player Error Popup Gets Stuck in Safari
* Facebook game bubble paradise does not respond to mouse clicks when selecting the game level
* Text on website www.infertosa.com was replaced by "null"
* Flash will parse wrong xml as correct and can't find out illegal XML content.
* Multitouch doesn't seem to be working in Full screen mode.
* Link event doesn't get dispatched for embedded text when textfield or container is moving (animation)
* Mac Only. If the SWF is get loading when the browser window is hidden, the SWF could not get drawn
* Memory Leak: Can't unload SWF with CFF Fonts after they are used as TextBlock content
* Video playback is gone when exiting full screen if playing back an html embedded Flash video with width and height that's equal the screen resolution
* Unable to load external unicode file names in consistent manner across browsers (IE vs. Plugin)
* ATOK IME menu overlaps, obscures text field
* Date.toString() returns wrong string representation for some dates of Brasilia Time Zone when DST is on on Windows and Mac
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