
In addition to bittorrenting, Vuze allows you to view, publish and share original DVD and HD quality video content. You can see content through channels and categories containing TV shows, music videos, movies, video games and others.
If you publish your own original content through Vuze, you can charge for it and make money.
Please note: You must have Java installed to be able to run Vuze.
Title: Vuze
Filename: Vuze_4504_windows.exe
File size: 8.08MB (8,477,120 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Open Source
Date added: September 1, 2010
Author: Azureus
Change Log:
* New Features:
- Core | Allow multiple primordial UDP handlers
- UI | Ability to auto-send crash logs
- UI | Members of the Beta Program now get a Sidebar entry which will one day have useful beta information
* Changes:
- UI | Improved languages change detection so more of the text now shows in the new language (unfortunately not all)
- UI | (Windows) Bigger click area around the "X" in the Library's filter box
- UI | (Windows) Triple click in search box now selects all the text
- UI | Replaced "Remove And.." menu tree from Library's content menu with "Remove..." entry that gives you the same options. Two related configs are in Options->Files->"File Deletion"
* Corrected bugs:
- Core | (Windows) Fix drive detection/removal when multiple drives get added/removed at once
- Core | (Windows) Fix drive with letters D: H: L: P: T: X: not being detected when plugged in while Vuze was running
- Core | Fixed some hard drives incorrectly being added as a Device and shown in the sidebar
- Core | (OSX) Add additional (new?) crash log directory to crash log generator (
- Core | (OSX) Fixed two cases where main window would not show after clicking the dock icon
- Core | Don't open files with write-access unless required
- Core | Ensure new profiles are picked up when xcode plugin reloads
- Core | Correctly sequence plugin events to ensure that listeners see the correct plugin state
- Core | Delete .vuze files when subscriptions are removed
- UI | (*nix) Fix table cells not getting click events (affected triggering the "New" column's state)
- UI | Fix case where scrolling right in a table view (Library) didn't draw the newly visible columns
- UI | Fixed some cases where column re-ordering was not being remembered
- UI | Fix Help->Check for Updates not notifying user there were no new updates found
- UI | Fixed visual problems with Tracker Status column when "Don't Scrape Stopped" is enabled
- UI | Fixed Queue and Stop not working on Torrent menu and right click of Sidebar's download's details item
- UI | (OSX) Fixed bug where a false double click was registered when Vuze did not have the focus and you single clicked on a row in the Library
- UI | Fixed subscription name and count on Sidebar not redrawing when either changes
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