Sandboxie 3.42

Benefits of the Isolated Sandbox
* Secure Web Browsing: Running your Web browser under the protection of Sandboxie means that all malicious software downloaded by the browser is trapped in the sandbox and can be discarded trivially.
* Enhanced Privacy: Browsing history, cookies, and cached temporary files collected while Web browsing stay in the sandbox and don't leak into Windows.
* Secure E-mail: Viruses and other malicious software that might be hiding in your email can't break out of the sandbox and can't infect your real system.
* Windows Stays Lean: Prevent wear-and-tear in Windows by installing software into an isolated sandbox.
Title: Sandboxie 3.42
Filename: SandboxieInstall.exe
File size: 628KB (642,571 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7
Languages: en-US
License: Freeware
Date added: December 2, 2009
Author: Sandboxie
Change Log:
* Improved support for Windows 7 and Windows Media Player 12.
* Support for environment variables changed within the sandbox.
* New settings page: Sandbox Settings > Restrictions > Hardware Access.
* New settings page: Sandbox Settings > Applications > Web Browser > Google Chrome.
* Improved support for installation and use of WinSxS assemblies in the sandbox.
* Improved compatibility with third-party security software: Online Armor, a2 Anti Malware, Comodo Verification Engine, Norton Internet Security, Panda Internet Security, Trusteer Rapport.
* Improved compatibility with other third-party software: Pdf995, SPAMfighter, Acer GridVista, NEO Pro, Evernote 3.5, JAWS 11, LastPass, gMote.
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