
It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location. If you provide computer support, you can quickly access your customer's computers from anywhere in the world and resolve helpdesk issues remotely! With addons like SingleClick your customers don't even have to pre-install software or execute complex procedures to get remote helpdesk support.
Key features: File transfer, Video driver, Optional Encryption Plugins, MS Logon, Text chat, Viewer Toolbar, Java Viewer with File Transfer , as well as Auto scaling and Server Side Scaling, Multiple-Monitors-support,Repeater/Proxy-support, Auto reconnection, good performances and tons of other functionalities.
Title: UltraVNC
Filename: UltraVNC_1.0.6.5_Setup.exe
File size: 1.90MB (1,988,400 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP64/Vista64
License: Open Source
Date added: August 17, 2009
Author: UltraVNC Team
Change Log:
-GUI port lock fix
-Performance: Mouse move a little faster
-Performance: Startuptime a little faster (first screen)
-Memory leak
-Driver and logon/uac (black screen)
-Aero enable bug (service, not restored)
-Driver win7
-Play sound if file exists, PGM solution is better and exe smaller.
-Added (ultravnc.ini, [admin]) clearconsole=1 (winstationconnect bug)
-Double-click on trayicon behaviour show properties
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