Avant Browser 11.7 Build 36

Avant Browser is freeware. That's right. 100% Free! No cost to you ever. No limitations. No Adware. No Spyware. You can donate if you want, but it's certainly not required.
Avant's features include:
* Online Profile Storage
* Autofills
* Mouse Gestures
* Flash Animation Filter
* Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker
* Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader.
* Additional Mouse Functions
* Multi-Window Browsing
* Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode
* Built-in Search Engine
* Full IE Compatibility
* Control Your Privacy
* Safe Recovery
* Skins
* Support for 41 languages
Title: Avant Browser 11.7 Build 36
Filename: absetup.exe
File size: 1.97MB (2,070,451 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
License: Freeware
Date added: August 11, 2009
Author: Avant Force
Change Log:
* Fixed an HTML bug which prevented a sidebar from being displayed on "http://www.kabelmaxx.nl"
* Fixed a bug which mischecked a bookmark url availability
* Fixed a bug where the address bar drop down list kept showing when switching to other applications
* Fixed a bug where disabling "auto refresh all tabs" didn't work
* Fixed a bug where for some people, going to Google and typing "blocker.swf" in the search bar, Avant attempted to download the file from "http://localhost/res/blocker.swf"
* Fixed a bug which caused the "Search the current site" button to use Avantfind instead of your default search engine
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