MyDefrag 4.1.1

Included are a Windows version, a commandline version (for scheduling by the task scheduler or for use from administrator scripts), a screensaver version, a DLL library (for use from programming languages), versions for Windows X64, and the complete sources.
Why use this defragger instead of the standard Windows defragger?
* Much faster.
* Totally automatic, extremely easy to use.
* Optimized for daily use.
* Disk optimization, several strategies.
* Directories are moved to the beginning of the disk.
* Reclaims MFT reserved space after disk-full.
* Maintains free spaces for temporary files.
* Can defragment very full harddisks.
* Can defragment very large files.
* Can defragment individual directories and files.
* Can be run automatically with the Windows Scheduler.
* Can be used from the commandline.
* Can be used as a screen saver.
* Can be run from cdrom or memory stick.
* Sources available, can be customized.
JKDefrag was open source, but from version 4, when it changed its name to MyDefrag, it is closed source.
Title: MyDefrag 4.1.1
Filename: MyDefrag-v4.1.1.exe
File size: 1.60MB (1,677,791 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
License: Freeware
Date added: July 26, 2009
Author: J C Kessels
Change Log
* Optimized the subroutine that searches for contiguous fragments.
* Fixed a bug that would prevent the program from running (immediate finish) without a proper error message, if there was a directory called "Settings" anywhere in the path. Also added some extra error messages in case there is a problem executing a script.
* Optimized the subroutine that vacates items out of the way.
* Disabled the OtherInstances(ask) setting for the screensaver.
* The "F1" key now looks for the manual in the installpath, instead of always using "C:\Program Files\MyDefrag v4.X\Manual.chm".
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