
Additionally it doesn't just work on Windows. Skype is also for Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs using Pocket PC, with a native look and feel for each platform. Talking, sending instant messages or even file transfers work between different platforms like a charm.
* Skype calling - Skype has all the features of an ordinary phone so it's even easier to manage your calls.
* Video calling - see who you are talking to at the same time as speaking to them.
* Add Skype and SkypeOut contacts - Add contacts who use Skype and those who use ordinary phones so you can call more people.
* Organising groups - group contacts under certain names and share them with your contacts so they can talk to them too.
* Basic chat and emoticons - when it's not convenient to call, chat or Instant Message (IM) your contacts.
* Group chat - for when it's easier to chat or Instant Message (IM) all your friends at once.
* Profile settings - change how you appear to the world and let people know a bit about you.
* Conference calling - talk to more than one friend at a time.
* Import contacts - search your address book to find friends and family that already have a Skype name and start calling them for free.
* View Outlook contacts - view and call your Microsoft Outlook® contacts quickly and directly from your Skype contact list.
* Quickfilter and Speed-Dial - find Skype contacts, recent chats and SkypeOut contacts quickly and easily, then enter their Skype name to call them back quickly.
Title: Skype
Filename: SkypeSetupFull.exe
File size: 19.66MB (20,619,560 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP64/Vista64
License: Freeware
Date added: June 4, 2009
Author: Skype Technologies
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